Launch Day Giveaway--and Happy Birthday, Nikola!

Today is the official release day for my book, Nikola Tesla for Kids: His Life, Ideas, and Inventions, with 21 Activities. Woohoo! And it's almost Nikola Tesla's birthday. He was born on the stroke of midnight between July 9 and 10, 1856, although he normally celebrated his birthday on the 10th. Let's see...that would make him 163 years old tonight! Wow!
I think even Mr. Tesla would be amazed at all the technological advances we enjoy in this modern age. It's quite mind-boggling when you stop to think about all the cool techy and innovative things we all take for granted as we go about our daily lives. Nikola would love it!
So--what better way to celebrate Nikola Tesla's birthday and the book's launch than to have a giveaway?
I am giving away three signed copies of Nikola Tesla for Kids and it's super easy to enter for a chance to win one of the books. I will draw three winners on the evening of July 15, 2019, so be sure to enter by 9:00 PM on that date! You can also increase your chances of being one of the three winners by taking advantage of different entry options.
Here's how to enter:
1, Leave a comment on this post. (+1 entry)
2. Sign up for my newsletter on the home page. (+1 entry)
3. Share the giveaway link on your Facebook page, then leave another comment on this post saying you did. (+1 entry) *It helps to have your FB link.
4. Share about the book/giveaway on Instagram, then leave another comment on this post saying you did. (+1 entry) *It helps to have your IG link.
That's it! :)
And this is extra, but I would certainly appreciate it if you could share the book and my website with any interested students, teachers, homeschool parents, librarians, etc. Word of mouth is so very helpful, as is an honest review or star rating of the book on any major book site, including Amazon, B&N, Goodreads, etc.
Once again, thanks for helping me celebrate the official launch of Nikola Tesla for Kids. And...